Today's Reading

He heard the echo of footsteps as someone dashed up the stairs. In short order, Aiden emerged from the darkness into the light. Even after all this time, Rook was still taken aback by their similarities in appearance: dark hair, dark eyes, strong jaw. Their father's jaw. Aiden was slightly taller and a bit broader, his body having adjusted to the physical labors demanded of him when he was younger. He grinned. "How are you, brother?"

That address also always took Rook a little off guard. He had no legitimate siblings. Before this man had come into his life, he'd known none of his father's leavings. Now he also knew Finn, another of his father's by-blows, given to Ettie Trewlove six weeks after Aiden. Apparently, the earl had possessed an insatiable appetite for bedding women, never content with enjoying one at a time. He'd been unfaithful not only to his wife but to his lovers. "I'm well, but bring upsetting news."

Aiden took a step forward, his brow creasing deeply. "About Mother?"

"No, Father."

"I don't give a bloody damn about that degenerate. He can go straight to the devil as far as I'm concerned."

"It appears he'll be making that journey soon enough. He's taken a turn for the worse."

"Glad to hear it. At least Mother won't be hovering over him and caring for him any longer."

Rook knew it stuck in his brother's craw that their mother had spent the past three years seemingly devoted to tending to her husband, although Rook suspected she was also tormenting him in subtle ways. He'd overheard her telling the earl tales about her paramour—even though she had no lover. She no doubt wanted him to suffer as she had during all the years that they'd been together when he hadn't been faithful or discreet regarding his numerous affairs. Not that Rook held it against her for wanting a bit of revenge. After all, the earl had set about poisoning her when a younger lady had caught his attention. "Speaking of Mother, she's mentioned that on occasion she's enjoyed some time at your club."

Aiden shrugged. "One of my gents has spoiled her. A foot rub in the Goddess Parlor. A waltz in the ballroom."

"I don't require details."

A small smirk from Aiden followed that comment. No doubt he considered Rook something of a prude because he always directed the conversation away from exactly what pleasures women had the opportunity to experience within these walls. Then tipping his head to the side, Aiden leveled an assessing stare at him. "Since you're here, perhaps you could do me a favor."

"Depends on the favor."

"I'm short a couple of gents tonight. One sent word he was ill. The other, who the deuce knows. However, I have a lady in want of a kiss. She's been waiting for gone on half an hour now, but all my other fellows are occupied. Perhaps you'd be kind enough to oblige her."

Rook had learned early on to hide his thoughts or feelings. Still, it took every ounce of control he possessed not to gape at the ludicrous request. "You mean kiss her?"

"You sound horrified, like I've just asked you to murder her. Yes, kiss her."

"You kiss her."

"I'm married, madly in love with Selena. I no longer give the ladies anything other than a smile or a wink." He jutted out a chin that very much resembled Rook's own. "You're not a novice to kissing, surely."

"Of course not, but I don't give them out willy-nilly. Besides, the majority of your members are of the nobility. She's likely to be someone I know, which could prove rather awkward." He was not in the habit of secreting ladies of the 'ton' into hidden corners for stolen kisses.

"Actually, she's American, only recently arrived. What are the odds you've met?"

"Probably none." The couple of American women he knew were either married to peers or being courted by those with ranks above his own. It was highly unlikely the women would risk censure by visiting this establishment where the mothers or sisters of their suitors might catch a glimpse of them engaged in questionable behavior. "Still, it doesn't sit right with me, old chum."

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Today's Reading

He heard the echo of footsteps as someone dashed up the stairs. In short order, Aiden emerged from the darkness into the light. Even after all this time, Rook was still taken aback by their similarities in appearance: dark hair, dark eyes, strong jaw. Their father's jaw. Aiden was slightly taller and a bit broader, his body having adjusted to the physical labors demanded of him when he was younger. He grinned. "How are you, brother?"

That address also always took Rook a little off guard. He had no legitimate siblings. Before this man had come into his life, he'd known none of his father's leavings. Now he also knew Finn, another of his father's by-blows, given to Ettie Trewlove six weeks after Aiden. Apparently, the earl had possessed an insatiable appetite for bedding women, never content with enjoying one at a time. He'd been unfaithful not only to his wife but to his lovers. "I'm well, but bring upsetting news."

Aiden took a step forward, his brow creasing deeply. "About Mother?"

"No, Father."

"I don't give a bloody damn about that degenerate. He can go straight to the devil as far as I'm concerned."

"It appears he'll be making that journey soon enough. He's taken a turn for the worse."

"Glad to hear it. At least Mother won't be hovering over him and caring for him any longer."

Rook knew it stuck in his brother's craw that their mother had spent the past three years seemingly devoted to tending to her husband, although Rook suspected she was also tormenting him in subtle ways. He'd overheard her telling the earl tales about her paramour—even though she had no lover. She no doubt wanted him to suffer as she had during all the years that they'd been together when he hadn't been faithful or discreet regarding his numerous affairs. Not that Rook held it against her for wanting a bit of revenge. After all, the earl had set about poisoning her when a younger lady had caught his attention. "Speaking of Mother, she's mentioned that on occasion she's enjoyed some time at your club."

Aiden shrugged. "One of my gents has spoiled her. A foot rub in the Goddess Parlor. A waltz in the ballroom."

"I don't require details."

A small smirk from Aiden followed that comment. No doubt he considered Rook something of a prude because he always directed the conversation away from exactly what pleasures women had the opportunity to experience within these walls. Then tipping his head to the side, Aiden leveled an assessing stare at him. "Since you're here, perhaps you could do me a favor."

"Depends on the favor."

"I'm short a couple of gents tonight. One sent word he was ill. The other, who the deuce knows. However, I have a lady in want of a kiss. She's been waiting for gone on half an hour now, but all my other fellows are occupied. Perhaps you'd be kind enough to oblige her."

Rook had learned early on to hide his thoughts or feelings. Still, it took every ounce of control he possessed not to gape at the ludicrous request. "You mean kiss her?"

"You sound horrified, like I've just asked you to murder her. Yes, kiss her."

"You kiss her."

"I'm married, madly in love with Selena. I no longer give the ladies anything other than a smile or a wink." He jutted out a chin that very much resembled Rook's own. "You're not a novice to kissing, surely."

"Of course not, but I don't give them out willy-nilly. Besides, the majority of your members are of the nobility. She's likely to be someone I know, which could prove rather awkward." He was not in the habit of secreting ladies of the 'ton' into hidden corners for stolen kisses.

"Actually, she's American, only recently arrived. What are the odds you've met?"

"Probably none." The couple of American women he knew were either married to peers or being courted by those with ranks above his own. It was highly unlikely the women would risk censure by visiting this establishment where the mothers or sisters of their suitors might catch a glimpse of them engaged in questionable behavior. "Still, it doesn't sit right with me, old chum."

Join the Library's Online Book Clubs and start receiving chapters from popular books in your daily email. Every day, Monday through Friday, we'll send you a portion of a book that takes only five minutes to read. Each Monday we begin a new book and by Friday you will have the chance to read 2 or 3 chapters, enough to know if it's a book you want to finish. You can read a wide variety of books including fiction, nonfiction, romance, business, teen and mystery books. Just give us your email address and five minutes a day, and we'll give you an exciting world of reading.

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